Legal Disclaimer -- The Electric Jalapenos are a 3 vs 3 arena team in the World of Warcraft. Any similarity to good arena teams, living or dead, is unintended and purely coincidental. The Electric Jalapenos play for entertainment value only and just want to have fun. We're in it for the gear!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Behind the Carnage - Uzo

We at Behind the Carnage had the opportunity to sit down and chat with Uzo, infamous member of both the Elite and Electric Jalapenos, at his palacious mansion in southern Dun Morogh.  Our documentaries profile the hottest celebrities and asks the hard-hitting questions that you the public expect of a responsible news organization. Tonite's episode is exactly that, this giant of a man wrapped in a 4'9" frame has taken Azeroth by storm and caused mother's around the region to hide their daughters. Uzo waltzed into our interview wearing a silk smoking jacket and gigantic sunglasses, puffing on a soap bubble pipe.

BTC: Thanks for taking the time out for this interview, it's exciting for both myself personally and your 12 adoring fans.

Uzo: Absolutely, anything I can do for the people... I believe we celebrities have the responsibility to make ourselves as accessible as possible. We are after all, role models for today's impressionable youth.

BTC: Speaking of "role models" I wanted to ask you about your involvement and upcoming court trial regarding the murder-prostitution-gambling-drug trafficking-mail fraud ring that has all the World (of Warcraft) up in arms. Is it true you were arrested wearing only polka dot boxers with little gnomes on them?

At this point we were asked to leave.

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